The evolution and rapid changes in the environment have forced organizations to readjust their management. To remain competitive, it is no longer enough to offer products and services with good value for money. To stand out, they still need to be made available and easily accessible. Furthermore, it is necessary to act within the internal environment of the company. Among employees, building a climate of trust and mutual respect is an important key to success. Indeed, team cohesion promotes better performance and the achievement of objectives.

How do you define cohesion within a group?

The members of a team or group ideally have one or more common objectives. These members must therefore work in a coordinated, complementary and team spirit manner. The tasks carried out to achieve these objectives generate real interactions whether they are intended or not. Cohesion within a group or team thus refers to a state in which each member is willing to do his or her work within the time allotted. At the end of each of these tasks, there is an obligation to report back or transfer the balance sheet to the other team members. Thus, in startups or companies, defining strategies that promote understanding and the fluidity of exchanges between collaborators provides good guarantees. On this site, you will find excellent guidelines for running a startup. Ensuring cohesion in your team allows, among other things, to ensure the motivation of each member. It also ensures optimal dispositions to have a great performance. The management in a company is particularly concerned with the cohesion between its departments and its employees.

Team cohesion to optimize management

A good state of mind and suitable working conditions for a company's employees inevitably lead to better performance. For this reason, many companies strive to offer ideal working environments with the necessary equipment to facilitate the various tasks. In addition, one must also think about the relationships between the different workers. Especially for people working in the same team, relationships must remain professional, but friendly. They must work together in an ideal setting to add value and make processes more fluid. Having a good team cohesion also helps to avoid wasting resources and losing information as much as possible. It thus maintains each worker at the same level of information. Everyone is therefore better able to produce efficient and useful work. Furthermore, Lean management is an effective method to improve this cohesion. Its objective is to improve the company's performance by creating the ideal conditions for the full development of employees. Thus, satisfaction is measured not only with customers, but also at the level of each employee through mobilisation and motivation.

How to behave as a member of a team?

Teams formed within companies must have certain assets to increase their productivity. In addition to the need for the availability of the necessary equipment to carry out the tasks, it is also essential to have a good atmosphere and a pleasant climate. Indeed, it is much less obvious to concentrate and be productive in an austere or conflict-ridden atmosphere. However, the climate of trust and team spirit that is indispensable also depends on individuals. Responsible and professional companies usually establish internal rules and regulations that define, among other things, the rules to be observed by employees. In companies that have them, the human resources departments define and monitor the internal relations between members. These services are very useful and contribute greatly to maintaining team cohesion. They also ensure the fulfilment of the workers, who must nevertheless carry out their tasks. Thus, each employee must comply with the regulations in force in order to express his or her potential on good terms with the rest of the team. Failure to comply with these principles is subject to various sanctions. In addition to the rules and provisions set out in the regulations, it is also important to respect ethics and morality in one's work space. You owe it to yourself to be courteous, friendly and to develop a certain fraternity with your collaborators. By the way you dress and act, you greatly define the climate of serenity and conviviality in your workplace.

Some beneficial tips

The application of certain rules in your company makes it possible to create a pleasant atmosphere in a natural way and without forcing it. As a team leader, you can value the mutual support between employees. For example, you can set up a car-sharing system. The organisation of team-building activities is also very effective. Sports, art workshops, fun activities and outings are good ways to strengthen ties. You can, for example, invite employees to lunch outside of work. Similarly, you can initiate rituals specific to your company for the end of the year. It is also possible to create conviviality on the premises. You can design warm and practical offices. They should allow employees to interact easily, but also to be able to concentrate when they need to. Set up relaxation areas to allow employees to get together and relax at idle times.